TelarKG: a Knowledge Graph of Chile's Constitutional Process


In this talk, we present TelarKG, a knowledge graph (KG) that consolidates multiple sources of information regarding the Chilean Constitutional process, particularly about the work of the members of the Constitutional Convention. TelarKG contains a wide range of public data, such as the materials from the commissions and information about the members’ interventions and votes. In addition, the KG has been enriched with online user-generated content, including posts from social networks related to the constitutional process and transcriptions from the YouTube videos of the plenary sessions. Among other features, TelarKG leverages the semantic similarity search capabilities of the MillenniumDB endpoint to compute text similarity among convention members Twitter messages. Additionally, we employ Entity Linking techniques to identify references to members of the Convention and Parties within these messages. TelarKG constitutes one of the most comprehensive historical archives on a political event, enabling users to query and navigate through diverse aspects of the Chilean constitutional process.

Jun 14, 2024 5:30 PM
Hotel Intercontinental Santiago
Sebastián Ferrada
Sebastián Ferrada
Assistant Professor

Research. Coffee. Lifting.